Saturday, 1 October 2016

SUSD0003 Week 7: China's huge greenhouse gas emission

Based on the numbers alone China does indeed have surpassed the US as the largest greenhouse gas producer in the world. This sounds worrying at first, but Hope has argued that this is because manufacturing of goods has moved from the countries originally started mass production in the industrial revolution to China and many other Asian countries. Another point of fact is that the emission per capita in China is still relatively lower than that of most of the developed countries. In fact China exports a significant amount of said manufactured goods to those developed countries.

Therefore one can say that many countries contribute to China's soaring greenhouse gas emission. Even though it is understandable that China has such a high emission considering how large it is and that it arguably manufactures quite a portion of the world's goods it is still worrying that its emission is climbing higher and higher. China's rising GDP per capita aka. prosperity amongst its people might also increase this trend as it always does in other countries.To reduce greenhouse emission globally everyone must work together to perhaps reduce consumption, switch to more environmentally-friendly fuels, and make products last longer or more efficient. We cannot point our fingers just at China. That would also be a bit hypocritical as Australia has the highest greenhouse emission rate per capita.

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